About Us

TIBS was founded in October 2003 right in Thika CBD with the objective of supplementing the government’s efforts of providing post - secondary education. This has been through the provision of selected courses for the youth who miss places in public or private universities.

TIBS is registered by the Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVET Authority) under TVETA/TVC/0244/2016 for Highway Campus and TVETA/TVC/0087/2018 for Thika Town Campus.

Our mission has its origin from a focus on integrating learning, personal development, and community engagement.

The college started from a humble beginning with just two lecture rooms and one office, which served as the Director’s and Reception offices.

Initially only four course programs were on offer. This has grown to over fifty (50) programs at Artisan, Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma levels.

We are committed to quality interdisciplinary curriculum delivery that focuses on both academics and character formation. TIBS College challenges students to achieve high levels of written, oral, and artistic communication; critical and reflective thinking; creativity; and social, historical, and scientific awareness.

Our programmes are examined by internationally and nationally recognized bodies like: KNEC, KASNEB, ICM (UK), City & Guilds (UK), CSK, ABMA (UK) and NITA.

We have a wide network of partners in industry, research and outreach units enabling the institution to effectively fulfill its mission.

We admits students from varied socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. There are four intakes per year that is; in January, April, July and October. TIBS’ consistency in quality training has gained confidence among community members. This is mirrored by the many referrals we get during each intake. The mode of study is full time, part–time and correspondence.

We have over 3000 students hailing from all the 47 counties in the country, as well as from across borders such as Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, among others. Most of the students reside in hostels. The Institution has, over the years, produced over 20,000 alumni who are working in local and/or international industries under self-employment or salaried employment.


Our Mission

Determined to serve the society through flexible, affordable and quality career training.

Our Vision

To be a world class institution in support of human resource development by offering quality training

Our Motto

"Highway to Future Success"

The Institution’s core values are:-

  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Responsiveness
  • Respect
  • Hard work
  • Teamwork
  • Responsibility